Test Public Portal for SSO testing with MyVMware

Ability to create static routes within VMC

We are in need to manage static routes within VMC. For example when having FSx within AWS we cannot build it in the connected SDDC as it will route the traffic through FSx ENI and VMC will manage this over the IGW.

  • Guest
  • Jan 11 2022
  • Needs review
  • Guest commented
    April 23, 2022 23:51

    In April 2022 release, VMware added

    Enhancements in networking

    • VMware Cloud on AWS Multi CGW : With the VMware Cloud on AWS Multi CGW feature, customers will be able to create additional Compute Gateways or Tier-1 Gateways (CGWs) and manage the life cycle for those CGWs. This feature will support the addition of static routes, route aggregation, filtering, local DHCP server or DNS forwarding, and Traceflow. This feature will enable the following use cases:

      • Multi-tenancy within an SDDC,

      • Overlapping IPv4 address space across CGWs,

      • Support for static routes on customer managed CGW,

      • Access to the Connected VPC from customer managed CGW, and

      • Deployment of Isolated test ‘segments’ for Disaster Recovery (DR) testing or “sandbox” environments.

    This feature will be available for VMware Cloud on AWS SDDCs version 1.18 and higher.